Review of the exemption for reinvestment in regular housing in income tax: subrogation in a mortgage is included as reinvested amount

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The regular housing reinvestment exemption constitutes a tax benefit applicable to property gains from the acquisition or rehabilitation of a new home in the cases provided for in the IRPF. The Supreme Court's October 2020 judgment provides a criterion that welcomes the concept of economic reinvestment to be applied in these cases. Consequently, the surrogacy of the taxpayer in the mortgage which the acquired home was financed constitutes an amount that must be calculated for the purposes of the exemption. This doctrine affects the social function of housing and the tax protection of the constitutional right of access to decent and adequate housing.

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How to Cite
PATÓN GARCÍA, G. (2021). Review of the exemption for reinvestment in regular housing in income tax: subrogation in a mortgage is included as reinvested amount . Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (37), 65–79.
Author Biography

GEMMA PATÓN GARCÍA, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Doctora en Derecho. Profesora de Derecho Financiero y Tributario


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