The light bill: in constant reform in search of a chimera (price reduction)

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The new electricity billing system comes into force on June 1, 2021: time discrimination for everyone, power adjustments and new bills ... but what will be its effect on the total bill? Will it not end up hurting consumers to concentrate consumption in off-peak periods?

In the midst of the informational tsunami generated by the new billing system,this paper aims to present the general lines of the reform in force since June 1, 2021, to make some recommendations to users and to reflect on the possible effects of the new system.

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How to Cite
MENDOZA LOSANA, A. I. (2021). The light bill: in constant reform in search of a chimera (price reduction). Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (38), 42–55.
Author Biography

ANA ISABEL MENDOZA LOSANA, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Profesora Contratada Doctora de Derecho Civil

Directora Revista CESCO de Derecho de Consumo


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EL CONFIDENCIAL, “Cinco consejos para amortiguar el 'golpe' de la nueva factura de la luz a final de mes, Cinco consejos para amortiguar el 'golpe' de la nueva factura de la luz a final de mes (

VÍCTOR MARTÍNEZ, “La nueva factura de la luz se estrena con precios récord en las horas de mayor consumo”, (La nueva factura de la luz se estrena con precios récord en las horas de mayor consumo | Ahorro y Consumo (