If animals are sentient beings, is it possible to prohibit the keeping of a pet in a dwelling?

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Law 17/2021, of 15 December, modifies our Civil Code so that animals no longer have the legal status of things (although this is of supplementary application), which is why its precepts on matrimonial crises, guardianship and custody, occupation, natural fruits, discovery, liability for damages and hidden defects, as well as inheritance, have been amended. With an inevitable domino effect, as it reforms the Code of persons and their legal-private relations, Law 17/2021 modifies art. 111 of the Mortgage Law in relation to the mortgage of animals and art. 605 of the Civil Procedure Law declaring the unseizability of pets. It does not change anything else. This raises the question of whether or not covenants prohibiting the keeping of pets in the home contained in leases, tenancy agreements or community agreements are valid.

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How to Cite
VIVAS TESÓN, I. (2022). If animals are sentient beings, is it possible to prohibit the keeping of a pet in a dwelling?. Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (41), 44–63. https://doi.org/10.18239/RCDC_2022.41.2963
Author Biography

INMACULADA VIVAS TESÓN, Universidad de Sevilla

Catedrática de Derecho civil


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