Garantías frente a la moderación de contenidos en la Propuesta de Reglamento Único de Servicios Digitales

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The European Commission's proposal for a Digital Service Act aims to ensure a transparent and secure online environment. Conscious that intermediary providers play an important role in the way consumers of digital products interact in cyberspace, the proposal creates a series of obligations that limit their powers of deletion and removal of content that users share. Thus, the proposal establishes a series of safeguards against the much-touted private censorship of platforms, which is expected to result in greater protection of consumers' fundamental rights online.

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SANTISTEBAN GALARZA, M. (2022). Garantías frente a la moderación de contenidos en la Propuesta de Reglamento Único de Servicios Digitales. Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (41), 159–179.


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