Beyond Dieselgate: The Untenable Case for Sustainable Remedies in Consumer Sales

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Unlike the CJEU and the BGH, Spanish jurisprudence (with two rulings from the civil section of the Supreme Court) has been mostly contrary to date to the approach that condemns the Dieselgate scandal as a breach of protected contractual expectations. According to most Spanish courts, the buyer cannot sue for lack of conformity (especially when the manufacturer has offered a free repair of the software device), cannot terminate for material breach and cannot obtain compensation for non-existent damages; it leaves open, however, a consolation prize of 500 euros as “immaterial damages”, with the bizarre argument that VW is responsible for paying “something” for its clear breach of regulatory (public) law. This contribution aims to explain that the "remedies provided" in Directive 2019/771 are indeed "unsustainable", that their "unsustainability" cannot be qualified through the "balance of principles", that, for the moment, the Directive ( EU) 2019/771 cannot be interpreted in the sense that it offers remedies in contract law for the unsustainable environmental practices of sellers and, mainly, that, rebus sic stantibus, private law in contracts is an inadequate instrument to grant rights subjective to the contracting parties to remedy environmental calamities that the buyer has not incorporated into the contract price as “legitimate expectations between the parties”.

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How to Cite
CARRASCO PERERA, A. F. (2023). Beyond Dieselgate: The Untenable Case for Sustainable Remedies in Consumer Sales. Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (45), 1–28.
Author Biography

ANGEL FRANCISCO CARRASCO PERERA, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Catedrático de Derecho Civil

Director del Centro de Estudios de Consumo


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