Solvency assessment through the use of AI systems. Creditworthiness assessment by AI

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This study analyzes the impact of using artificial intelligence systems in the credit scoring processes traditionally used to assess consumers’ creditworthiness before granting a loan. In addition, we will analyze the potential risks associated with the use of these systems and their possible mitigation through existing regulations in our legal system. Finally, we will observe the European regulatory proposals that are in the process of being adopted, specifically, those measures that could be useful to eliminate or mitigate the risks analyzed.

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How to Cite
COLLADO-RODRÍGUEZ, N. (2023). Solvency assessment through the use of AI systems. Creditworthiness assessment by AI. Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (46), 41–67.
Author Biography

NOELIA COLLADO-RODRÍGUEZ, Universidade da Coruña

Profesora Ayudante Doctora de Derecho civil

Miembro del Grupo de Investigación "Empresa, Consumo y Derecho"


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