There should be no changes in the Spanish Supreme Court doctrine on IRPH after the CJUE’s ruling of 7.13.2023

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The CJUE's ruling of 13.7.2023 will not entail significant changes in the Spanish Supreme Court doctrine on the unfairness of IRPH clauses since (i) it is based on several inaccuracies presented by the referring judge of the preliminary ruling; (ii) the clause was already considered non-transparent by the SSC; (iii) the SSC was already making the comparison with the Euribor and the legal interest to evaluate, and rule out, the occurrence of a significant imbalance; and (iv) the Supreme Court rules out the existence of bad faith on banks, a sine qua non requirement to declare the unfairness. The most significant novelty, and which may have the greatest impact on affected consumers, is the order to verify that commissions already included in the index are not included, in which case consumers affected will be able to obtain restitution of the amount of the commission.

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How to Cite
AGÜERO ORTIZ, A. (2023). There should be no changes in the Spanish Supreme Court doctrine on IRPH after the CJUE’s ruling of 7.13.2023. Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (47), 57–91.
Author Biography

ALICIA AGÜERO ORTIZ, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesora Ayudante Doctora de Derecho Civil


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