Abusivity of the non-interest consumer credit costs clause and its consequences (Commentary to the CJEU Judgment in Case C-321/22 (Provident Polska) of 23 November 2023).

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The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C-321/22 (Provident Polska) dated November 23, 2023, pertains to the protection of consumers and abusive clauses in contracts concluded with consumers. The case revolves around a consumer credit agreement and the declaration of the abusive nature of a clause. The court ruled that costs unrelated to interest in credit can be deemed a significant imbalance and, therefore, as an abusive clause. Furthermore, the court established that consumers have the right to bring a declaratory action, and there is no need to demonstrate an interest in exercising this action. The judgment also outlines the consequences of declaring a clause as abusive.

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How to Cite
MARTINEZ ESPIN, P. (2024). Abusivity of the non-interest consumer credit costs clause and its consequences (Commentary to the CJEU Judgment in Case C-321/22 (Provident Polska) of 23 November 2023). Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (49), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.18239/RCDC_2024.49.3446
Author Biography

PASCUAL MARTINEZ ESPIN, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Catedrático de Derecho Civil


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