New applications of real estate property in the face of sustainable development

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This paper presents the collected cases related to rights in rem used for obtaining solar photovoltaic energy on buildings and the installation of telecommunication networks, as well as the implementation of electric vehicle charging points on land, primarily of a private nature. Of even greater interest, we provide legal reasoning to extend new possibilities to the inherent ius aedificandi regarding real estate property and rights in rem in something else. This concerns the possible constitution of air rights, in addition to the possibility of agreeing or imposing easements that allow the creation of areas on the elevated parts of buildings for the vertical landing and take-off of innovative electric aircraft, known as eVTOLs.

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How to Cite
BUSTOS MORENO, Y. (2023). New applications of real estate property in the face of sustainable development. Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (48), 96–119.
Author Biography

YOLANDA BUSTOS MORENO, Universidad de Alicante

Profesora Titular de Derecho civil


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