The Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the Tax on the increase in value of urban land: what's new?

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This paper analyzes the most recent jurisprudence of the Supreme Court in relation to the Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land, specifically, on the review of final settlements in administrative procedures, based on the judgment of the Constitutional Court no. 182 / 2021, of 26 October. The recent SSTS no. 339/2024 of 28 February and no. 364/2024 of 4 March, provide an opportunity for those subject to capital gains tax to recover the amounts unduly paid for this tax. The first considers that the pronouncement of the judgment of the Contentious-Administrative Court No. 3 of Valencia, which accepted the request for ex officio review, declared the nullity of the assessment and the obligation of devolution of the tax paid and the corresponding interest, to be in accordance with the law, and therefore must be maintained. The second recognizes the right to compensation and the financial liability of the State legislature when considering that a transfer has been unduly taxed with the municipal capital gains tax.

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How to Cite
ZABALLOS ZURILLA, M. (2024). The Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the Tax on the increase in value of urban land: what’s new?. Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (50), 14–28.
Author Biography

MARÍA ZABALLOS ZURILLA, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesora Ayudante Doctor


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