The CJEU privileges transparency in class actions

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The CJEU of July 2024, in case C-450/22, makes three important declarations. First, in the framework of a class action filed by a consumer association against the floor clauses used by a many of credit institutions, the judge could carry out a transparency control over these clauses. Second, that, within said class action, the transparency control will be based on determining whether an average consumer was able to understand the economic impact of the floor clause considering the standardized pre-contractual and contractual practices of each credit institution. Third, that an average consumer can understand the economic impact of the floor clause from a well-known event or fact, such as the fall in interest rates in 2000 or the pronouncement of STS 241/2019, of May 9.

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How to Cite
MARTÍN FABA, J. M. (2024). The CJEU privileges transparency in class actions. Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (51), 1–15.
Author Biography

JOSÉ MARÍA MARTÍN FABA, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesor Ayudante Doctor


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