Drum set sequencing. An approach to incorporate drummers’ peculiarities in MIDI produced audio tracks
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With the release of the MIDI protocol, new resources and possibilities have been developed for musical performance, composition and editing. Due to the growing expansion of computers’ storage and processing capacities, it has also been possible to increase the quality and specificity of sample libraries. In such a scenario, this mixed-methods research has as its main aim is to investigate drummers' performances focusing on developing pathways to incorporate their features into MIDI sequencing. Derived from it, four specific aims were established: 1) to present the basic elements of sampling and MIDI protocol; 2) To sequence the drummers’ performances; 3) to apply quality-assessment questionnaires for the sequencing-generated audios; 4) to present the results' analysis. The inquiry’s outcomes demonstrate that characteristics like timbre and dynamics' variation are determinants for the sequencing's acceptance by the audience.
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