About manuscripts and prints. Musical collections in the Archdiocesan Historical Archive of Tarragona: an overview on the state of the art

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Montserrat Canela


The Archdiocesan Historical Archive of Tarragona (AHAT) was founded in 1920 by order of Archbishop Francesc Assís Vidal i Barraquer. The first parish collections arrived at this archive in 1921, including all the documentation housed by the archbishopric of Tarragona prior to 1750. From those beginnings to the present day, this centre has continued with its triple objective: 1) to prevent the loss of documentation; 2) to ensure the conservation of parish and personal collections (ecclesiastical and lay), and 3) to facilitate research by scholars who come to learn about its collections. Among these collections are the musical ones: 13 of them belong to institutions, chapel masters, priests or lay musicians, and 16 to parishes of the archdiocese. These are music collections of hight documentary, musical and historical value. The aim of this article is to present the musical heritage that the archive holds, which is at different stages of inventorying and cataloguing.

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How to Cite
Canela, M. (2023). About manuscripts and prints.: Musical collections in the Archdiocesan Historical Archive of Tarragona: an overview on the state of the art. Cuadernos De Investigación Musical, (17), 128–149. https://doi.org/10.18239/invesmusic.2023.17.05


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