The whole-tone scale: historiographic perspective

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José Luis de la Fuente Charfolé


A historiographic review –not exhaustive– related to the whole-tone scale is not only necessary to support the state of knowledge about the material; it will also be useful if it allows to establish a starting point towards new and interrelated paths of compositional application, for the advancement of disciplines such as music theory and analysis and, in any case, for a better understanding of its presence within the historical evolutionary process of Western music in general.

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How to Cite
de la Fuente Charfolé, J. L. (2023). The whole-tone scale: historiographic perspective. Cuadernos De Investigación Musical, (18), 34–51.
Author Biography

José Luis de la Fuente Charfolé, Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha

Department of Physical Education, Arts Education, and Music.


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