The Day of the Valencian Book: an experience of socialization of the bibliographic heritage in the Historical Library of the University of Valencia sp

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Federico Romero Martínez


This communication presents the activity that, since 2019, the Historical Library of the University of Valencia has carried out on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Valencian Book. An activity that consists of the public and continuous reading of the work
of a Valencian author and whose main objectives are to open the spaces of the library to the university community and society, and to publicize the valuable bibliographic collection that it guards.

The results obtained have been positive, both from the point of view of the organization and due to the high number and different areas of the participants and attendees. This experience has opened a path of collaboration with different agents and a way of socializing bibliographic heritage that, through closeness and emotion, creates awareness among citizens of the importance of heritage and its preservation, thus generating value
for the society.


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