SIMURG, CSIC digitized heritage for the history of science

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Laura Donadeo Navalón
Alexandra López Pérez


Simurg, the library of digitized heritage collections of the Spanish National Research Council, is presented.

Since 2008, CSIC’s Libraries and Archives Network has carried out a policy of digitizing bibliographic and archival material with internationally accepted technical criteria so that they can be consulted by potential users anywhere in the world and that the originals are preserved in the best possible conditions, reducing handling.

As of today, more than 150 projects of a great documentary variety (manuscripts, old prints, photographs, scores, maps, etc.) have been managed. The collection grew to more than 25,000 documents and 1,780,000 images.

The most representative projects, document selection criteria, planning, execution, dissemination, technical issues of interest and the challenges associated with networking are reviewed.

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