The law library of the 16th-18th centuries of the universitat jaume i. Creation and development of an antique collection of law books in a 20th century university library

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Vicent García Edo
Rosa Gómez-Albiñana


The purpose of the study is to describe the process of formation of the collection of ancient legal books that form part of the special collections section of the Library of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, created in 1991. The selection and acquisition of the books was carried out by the faculty of the Department of History of Law of the university with the aim of creating a legal library that would bring together the main works of legislation and jurisprudence of the peninsular kingdoms printed during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to make them available to researchers, teachers and university students. Some of the physical and formal characteristics of the copies that make up the antique collection are also analyzed.

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