The Emili Teixidor`'s Personal Archive: A Joint Work Experience between the Library and the Archive

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Albert Aragay Lanchares
Gemma Mascaró Parramón
Núria Pou Puigblanqué


The article describes the collaborative experience between the Library and the Archive of the University of UVic-UCC in the processing and dissemination of Emili Teixidor’s Personal Archive. Teixidor, a renowned Catalan writer, bequeathed his personal library and various documents. Both services developed a work plan that encompassed defining the collection, the method of acquisition, required facilities, and the purchase of preservation materials. Additionally, a comprehensive dissemination plan was implemented, including cataloguing the bibliographic collection, publishing a guide, digitizing photographs, organizing exhibitions, and engaging in external collaborations. The collaboration between the Library and the Archive was crucial in ensuring proper processing and access to the collection, thereby preserving Emili Teixidor’s memory and cultural legacy.

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