The infinite library New old printers in the CSIC Tomás Navarro Tomás library

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María del Pilar Martínez del Olmo


The projects to improve the collection and inventory of funds undertaken by the CSIC Tomás Navarro Tomás Library during 2023 have made it possible to identify more than two hundred new prints prior to 1900. They are works from the 17th, 18th and


19th centuries that were interspersed in boxes of brochures without description or with imprecise descriptions, and therefore have gone unnoticed in the collections and in the catalogue. The technical processes carried out in 2023 have made possible to describe these items accurately, identify their editions and incorporate the data into CSIC Collective Catalogue and into CCPB, where many of these items have been examples of an edition not described so far in the Catalogue. This communication describes the technical process followed to identify the copies and offers access to the digitized version through the SIMURG portal.

It also invites other libraries to undertake similar projects to identify, possibly, new heritage items kept in Spanish libraries.

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