Two preliminary rulings on the prescription of the action for restitution of mortgage expenses and its effects on the usurious revolving credit

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The Supreme Court and the Court of First Instance No. 20 of Barcelona have submitted two preliminary questions to the CJEU (both by order of July 22, 2021) on the beginning of the limitation period (dies a quo) of the action for restitution of the amounts paid by the consumer as a result of a null clause on mortgage expenses. This paper examines these two preliminary questions, and in particular, the statement contained in the first of them that it does prescribe the action for restitution of amounts after the nullity of the contract or an abusive clause. The application of this rule to usurious revolving credit is also studied, with the effects that this causes: the impossibility of continuing to maintain (as some courts do) that does not prescribe the action of restitution of the usurious interests paid.

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How to Cite
MARIN LOPEZ, M. J. (2021). Two preliminary rulings on the prescription of the action for restitution of mortgage expenses and its effects on the usurious revolving credit. Revista CESCO De Derecho De Consumo, (40), 13–37.
Author Biography

MANUEL JESUS MARIN LOPEZ, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Catedrático de Derecho Civil


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