Beethoven's Seventh: the second Eroica

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Constantin Floros


This article focuses on the study of Ludwig van Beethoven's (1770-1827) Seventh Symphony and its stylistic similarities to Symphony No. 3, so it can be considered a second Eroic Symphony. For this reason, the circumstances that gave rise to its creation have been taken into consideration, as well as the opinions of the author's contemporaries such as Czerny and Ries or the visions of Wagner and Mahler. The author also argues that other similarities with works of a heroic nature have gone unnoticed: the Danza eroica no. 8 from the "heroic-allegoric" ballet The Creatures of Prometheus op. 43 and the variation in G minor of the "Finale" from the Eroica Symphony itself (1803). The influence of political events of the time on the origin of works such as Wellington's Victory has also been taken into account.

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How to Cite
Floros, C. (2020). Beethoven’s Seventh: the second Eroica. Cuadernos De Investigación Musical, (11), 5–14.


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