Bibliographic heritage in the Network of State Archive Libraries (REBAE) A view from the present to the past

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Carmen Lozano Polo
Pilar Díaz Villalvilla
Beatriz Gallego Díaz-Cano
Rosa M. Gregori Roig
Javier Fito Manteca
Virginia Leal Calatayud
Laura Marías Martín
Arturo Munguía Mediavilla
Rebeca Ruiz Quero
Cristian Sanchís Francés
Jaime Sainz Guerra
Sara Valentí Escobales
Juan José Viñuela Carretero


This paper presents the origin and development of the collections that form part of the Spanish bibliographic heritage located in the specialized libraries of the State Archives, institutions that safeguard the documents produced by a wide range of organizations. It describes the singularity of these bibliographic collections and their provenance, which in many cases is connected to the origin of the archives where they are kept. It analyses the nine libraries that form part of REBAE, the Network of State Archive Libraries, whose collections are described in their collective catalogue, CCBAE.

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