A library for soldiers in the Montserrat Military Hospital (1938- 1939)

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Àngels Rius i Bou


During the Civil War the monastery of Montserrat was confiscated by the Generalitat de Catalunya in order to protect it. Carles Gerhard was appointed the conservative. In April 1938 the site became a military hospital of the Ejéricito del Este. A library with around 300 volumes was installed on the ground floor of the Nostra Senyora building. The Government of the Republic formed a body of teachers, called Milicias de la Cultura. In Catalonia, the Generalitat promoted the Servei de Biblioteques del Front. Both served books at the front and in hospitals. The books kept in Montserrat were part of the funds of the Milicias de la Cultura. During the years following the war, some of the books from the military hospital were added to the library and others were reserved until they were finally integrated into the catalog of the Abbey of Montserrat.

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