New Challenges for Contemporary Art Collections

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Glòria Picazo


Professionals in charge of collections of contemporary art that focus on some practices and artistic attitudes that emerged in the sixties and that persist until today, have been forced to take into account previous processes of production and display of an artwork, and to assume the subsequent challenges this artwork will pose when being integrated into a collection. They had to accept that the concept of ephemeral is a forced condition on many instances, that temporality and process are elements that can’t be ignored, and that files and archives generated by artists can be even more important than their own works. As for performance art, they must begin to integrate the idea of “collecting spaces of time”. Artistic practices carried out by artists such as Felix Gonzalez-Torres and Tino Sehgal, where strict requirements to have access to the works are imposed by the artists themselves, can be a good reference to follow when thinking out new ways of collecting. In this sense museums of contemporary art must lead and promote this kind of actions, leaving behind obsolete models of collecting.

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Author Biography

Glòria Picazo

Glòria Picazo studied Art History at Barcelona University. She is an art critic and independent curator, and has collaborated with several museums, among which CAPC Musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, and MACBA in Barcelona. From 2003 to 2015 she was Director of Centre d’art la Panera in Lleida. She has taught courses in contemporary art and curatorship for La Casa Encendida (Madrid), and for several MA degrees in the following universities: Barcelona University, International University of Catalunya in Barcelona, and Polytechnic University in Valencia. She also directed the course Coleccionismo y comisariado de exposiciones (Collecting and Curating Exhibitions) at UIMP University in Santander, 2014. In 2016 she was designated as member of the Advisory Board for the Contemporary Art Collection of the Comunidad de Madrid.

She has curated numerous exhibitions, including Gina Pane (Palau de la Virreina, Barcelona and Salas de la Diputación de Huesca), Orientalismos and Nómadas y Bibliófilos (both at Koldo Mitxelena, San Sebastián), or El instante eterno (EACC, Castellón). For Centre d’Art la Panera, she curated the exhibitions Paisajes después de la batalla, Mediterráneo(s), and several solo shows of artists like Cabello/Carceller, Abigail Lazkoz, Juan López, Marina Núñez, Francisco Ruiz de Infante or Francesc Torres, among others. She has also published in art magazines, including Transversal, L’Avenç, ExitExpress, and ExitBook.

She is currently preparing the exhibition La Biblioteca, that will be presented at La Casa Encendida in Madrid (May 2017). 


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