Convergences among the Intangible, the Artistic and the Curatorial in Contemporary Non-Object-Based Practices

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Javier Rodríguez Casado


This text posits that the ways of doing linked to the intangible had an important role in the consolidation of contemporary curatorship and in the establishment of the figure of the curator-as-artist. Expressions of it can be found in the performative shift undergone by the exhibition in recent years, which has led to the emergence of proposals such as A Choreographed Exhibition by Mathieu Copeland. This show is taken here as an example since, in it, numerous connections among the intangible, the curatorial and the artistic are manifest. Also, both in this exhibition and the publication derived from it, many of the reflections pointed out by Beti Žerovc in her extensive analysis on contemporary curatorship are identified. These two books, along with Boris Groys' reflection on exhibition authorship, and extracts from my doctoral thesis, which focused on the search of the minimum artistic gesture in non-object-based and undocumented practices, are the main references used in the preparation of this article.

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Author Biography

Javier Rodríguez Casado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Javier Rodríguez Casado es doctor en Bellas Artes por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Su tesis se centró en la búsqueda de la mínima expresión artística en las prácticas sin objeto y sin documentación. En los últimos años ha dedicado parte de su actividad a explorar formas de suspensión, improductividad, impermanencia y acción mínima a través de gestos ínfimos realizados en entornos específicos. Ha impartido diversos talleres y ponencias (PhotoEspaña, Centro de arte Complutense, Medialab Prado, Centro Cultural de España en La Paz, Facultad de Bellas Artes de la UCLM), y colaborado en diferentes proyectos artísticos y de investigación. Muestras de estos se han desarrollado en lugares como la galería Paula Alonso, la Sala de arte joven de la Comunidad de Madrid, Espacio Menosuno, Off Limits, Espacio de proyectos Sant Pere, el Museo Emilio Caraffa, el Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires o el Canal de Isabel II, además de en otros muchos sin nombre propio.


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