Bordering the Exhibition, Unsettling the Present: An Approach Towards Curatorial Practice at the Imperceptible Becoming of the Artistic Event

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Amaya Sánchez Sampedro


This article explores a series of questions relating to the practice of the exhibition as a defined medium and format, as well as to the acts of curatorial selection and mediation. They take into account the specific features of a series of artistic proposals that are not always recognizable as having an aesthetic configuration, and whose commitment to a minimal manifestation of the perceptible form, along with their eminently procedural logic and a generalised reticence to the conceptualisation of a discourse, result in a natural resistance to the event of the exhibition and the articulation of a narrative or a theoretical approach such as has traditionally been the basis of curatorial practice. Some of the most significant implications of this approach will be reviewed as a step towards the consideration of alternative forms of presentation. They are based on other cadences and time-scales, on other approaches to action or on the lack of it, with a view to enabling the experiencing of realities and relationships normally buried under the weight of the historical, the biographical or the concept, and under the prominence given to the curator’s voice in the construction of the exhibition experience.

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Author Biography

Amaya Sánchez Sampedro, Universidad del País Vasco

Amaya Sánchez Sampedro es doctora en Bellas Artes por la Universidad del País Vasco (2016), donde ha impartido docencia entre los años 2010 y 2013. Desde 2016 colabora en la impartición de talleres y seminarios en el programa del Master Investigación y Creación en Arte (Increarte) de la mencionada universidad.

Su investigación ha explorado el concepto de apreciación sensible y los límites de configuración del objeto artístico, cuestionando formas de improducción y acción mínima y estudiando las problemáticas del archivo, la exhibición y el registro en relación a este tipo de planteamientos. Igualmente, ha estudiado las relaciones que se establecen entre arte y texto y las posibilidades de la escritura en el marco de la investigación artística académica.

Su trabajo ha sido recientemente presentado en el Primer Congreso Internacional Prekariart. Trabajo en Arte Contemporáneo: Precariedad y Alternativa.


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