New Artistic Imaginaries

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María Bella


In this reflection, instead of considering “curating the immaterial” as an exercise to problematize the existing difficulties for managing that what is constantly produced, I will rather approach “curating the immaterial” as an opportunity to inquire and transgress the limitations that the notion of the modern production imposes. In view of this, I go back to Foucault’s key advice “what is at stake today is life” as a fundamental consideration that should be taken as the bases for proposing new artistic imaginaries able to create transitions to a new politics of existence and that comprise a curatorial commitment towards the organization of the becoming, instead and beyond what has preceded. The departing curatorial question that I pose comes from Agamben in his book Homo sacer: How is it possible to "politicize" the "natural sweetness" of zõé? And first of all, does zõé really need to be politicized, or is politics not already contained in zõé as its most precious center?

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Author Biography

María Bella, Goldsmiths University of London

María Bella es pensadora y productora crítica dentro del campo curatorial. Afronta su trabajo desde la práctica y la investigación. Puso en marcha el programa de Intermediae en Matadero-Madrid en 2007 y estableció su línea curatorial hasta 2012. Forma parte del programa de investigación Curatorial Knowledge en el Departamento de Cultura Visual de la Universidad de Goldsmiths de Londres al que se ha dedicado en los últimos años y en el que es candidata a Doctora con su tesis Returning life to life: The factory of Cine sin Autor.

Desde 2015 vive en Corcubión en la Costa de la Muerte donde recientemente ha iniciado un proyecto curatorial llamado el “Museo de las historias de Corcubión” en el que pone en juego su interés por proyectar nuevas infraestructuras culturales que promuevan el cuidado por las voces de un pueblo.


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