Il ruolo del coordinatore pedagogico nella promozione dell'educazione e cura nella prima infanzia in Italia [Papel del coordinador pedagógico en la promoción educativa y cuidados en la primera infancia en Italia]

Contenido principal del artículo

Clara Silva



El artículo reconstruye las líneas generales de la historia y evolución de la figura del coordinador pedagógico en Italia destacando su papel estratégico en la asistencia a la transformación de los servicios educativos para los niños pequeños en su transición de lugares de atención en contextos de educación y  cuidado. En Italia, los servicios educativos destinados a los niños de 3 meses a 3 años nacen durante los años 70 gracias a la ley de 1044, que establece la guardería. Los cambios sociales y económicos de los últimos treinta años han planteado la necesidad de nuevos servicios educativos organizados de diferente manera, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de las familias. Por ello se evidencia la necesidad de personal de coordinación capaz, por un lado de promover la integración entre los servicios y por otro de apoyar a los educadores en la realización de su tarea.

Palabras clave: Coordinador pedagógico, servicios educativos, la primera infancia, la calidad.



This article aims to reconstruct – in their essential aspects – the history and evolution of the professional profile of the Pedagogical Coordinator in Italy, highlighting her/his strategic role in accompanying Early Childhood Education and Care services transition from being places merely focused to ‘taking care’ of children, in real education and care services. In Italy, ECEC services for children from 3 months to 3 years of age born during the 70s, thanks to the Law n. 1044 that establishes nurseries (in Italian “nidi d’infanzia”). The social and economic changes of the last thirty years have increased the demand for new educational services, better and differently organized then before, in order to meet the needs of families. Therefore, it becomes evident the need for a type of Coordination that would be able, on the one hand, to promote the integration between the different ECEC services, and on the other to support educators in carrying out their tasks.

Keywords: Pedagogical Coordinator, education and care services, early childhood, quality.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Silva, C. (2015). Il ruolo del coordinatore pedagogico nella promozione dell’educazione e cura nella prima infanzia in Italia [Papel del coordinador pedagógico en la promoción educativa y cuidados en la primera infancia en Italia]. ENSAYOS. Revista De La Facultad De Educación De Albacete, 30(2), 205–212.
Biografía del autor/a

Clara Silva, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione e Psicologia. Università degli Studi di Firenze Via Laura, 48. C.P. 50121. Firenze (Italia)

Clara Silva, is Associate Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the Department of Science in Education and Psychology – University of Florence -, where she earned a Degree in Education in 1993, as also a Phd in Philosophy, Theory and history of Educational and Training processes. In the same University, Prof. Silva holds lecures of General Pedagogy, Intercultural Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Care and of Relationships. She is also the scientific director of the Master in Coordination of 0-3 education and care crèches and services for children, and of the magazine «Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare» («Italian magazine of Family Education»). Among her major and most relevant publications we must underline the following: Dall’incontro alla relazione: il rapporto tra scuola e famiglie immigrate (Milano, 2004); L’educazione interculturale: modelli e percorsi (Pisa, 2005); Pedagogia, intercultura, diritti umani (Roma, 2008); Intercultura e cura educativa nel nido e nella scuola dell’infanzia (Parma, 2011); Lo spazio dell’intercultura. Democrazia, diritti umani e laicità (Milano 2015).