RUIDERAe is an electronic journal promoted by the information centers in the UCLM (University Archives, Library and ICT Area) published under a Creative Commons license and edited by the University of Castilla-La Mancha in order to disseminate and exchange the experiences developed by information centers, especially those of a transversal nature.

No. 22 (2024): IV Jornadas de Gestión del Patrimonio Bibliográfico

Actas de las IV Jornadas de Gestión del Patrimonio Bibliográfico (Grupo de Patrimonio Bibliográfico de Rebiun, Universidad de Sevilla, 14 y 15 de marzo de 2024)

Published: 2024-12-03

Bibliographic heritage in the Network of State Archive Libraries (REBAE)

A view from the present to the past

Carmen Lozano Polo, Pilar Díaz Villalvilla, Beatriz Gallego Díaz-Cano, Rosa M. Gregori Roig, Javier Fito Manteca, Virginia Leal Calatayud, Laura Marías Martín, Arturo Munguía Mediavilla, Rebeca Ruiz Quero, Cristian Sanchís Francés, Jaime Sainz Guerra, Sara Valentí Escobales, Juan José Viñuela Carretero

Beyond 90º-120º

Susana González Martínez, Mónica Pintado Antúnez
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